
Address, Map and Directions

Meguro-ku Toyko
5-17-22 Yakumo
都立大フラワーホーム Room 605

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Where is the door?

black silhouette of a shamisen
black silhouette of a shamisen
black silhouette of a shamisen


The nearest stations are Toritsu-daigaku Station (都立大学駅) on the Toyoko line and Komazawa-Daigaku Station (駒沢大学駅) on the Denentoshi Line.

Makoto's apartment is on the top floor and the doorway is on the left of the building as you look at it, just up the steps.

The front of Makoto's apartmnet building, with a Panasonic day care centre on the ground floor.
The entrance of Makoto's apartmnet building, a doorway at the top of some steps.